Three months later...
Hoo-boy. Am I a bad Centurion. Not a word for---over a year now? Eek.
To what am I dedicated? God? Yes. Living a moral life, according to the laws of Moses, the teachings of Jesus Christ and the canons of the Roman Catholic church? Yes.
So--what's your problem, Decius?
If I knew the answer to that I'd be a lot better off.
What brought me back was the semi-annual purchase of new clothes and shoes to get through the work day and occasions I am called to serve at Mass as a lector. New Navy-blue blazer, gray slacks, a couple of dress shirts and weekday shirts (polo type) and three really nice pair of Geoffrey Beene shorts for weekdays (no, my employer does not have a dress code, thankfully, and yes I know how lucky I am), a very classy looking mostly purple tie in anticipation of lectoring during Holy Week or at the Easter vigil.
And two pair of sandals that look to me like--uh, well, Roman military sandals. Two pair so I can wear different ones every day. Better for your spine and the Lord knows I need to take care of that particular piece of carnality. So--what do Roman military sandals look like? These ones.
At least, these are what a 21st-century American blogger in his mid-50s like me thinks ancient Roman military sandals would look like. Am liking them muchly. Muy comfortable.
They jogged me back on to the blogging path.
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