The Centurion's Servant

Random thoughts about what concerns me. The story of the centurion's servant centers on faith, that all turns out as it should, just because you have faith.

My Photo
Location: Austin, Texas

03 June 2008

Oh my. Another year.

Heavens to Betsy. Were it not for seeing my nephew's blog last night and remembering The Centurion's Servant whirling noiselessly here in cyberspace, I might have completely forgotten for another year. Thanks, Bill. You're a right good laddie.

So. What up, blood? Well. Uh,--riding Zoe has been such a kick. Almost indescribable. I really love it. Makes me happy.

That's mostly what I've been up to since Nov. '07, when I got her. Zoe, that is. If you're interested, she's a 2007 Honda Shadow Aero 750.